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Artificial Intelligence

Language Model

Convoloo doesn't simply use chatgpt or Google Gemini. Convoloo has the ability to train its own LLM with clients' data. Convoloo offers unique value to clients other than some trivial AI apps or GPTs. Convoloo tackles none trivia problems. 

Convoloo's Natural Language Processing

Architecting Understanding

In the sprawling expanse of digital information, the quest to derive meaningful insights from unstructured data has led to the emergence of advanced technologies that bridge human language and machine comprehension. At the forefront of this pursuit is Convoloo, with its groundbreaking integration of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Knowledge Graph technology. This fusion is not merely a technological innovation but a paradigm shift in how data is understood, connected, and leveraged.



At its core, Convoloo aims to transcend the traditional boundaries of text analysis and entity recognition. The company's NLP technology is engineered to parse, understand, and infer the nuances of human language, ranging from the simple to the complex. This capability is further enhanced by its knowledge graph technology, which organizes and links information in a way that mirrors human understanding and reasoning.

DALL·E 2024-03-14 16.59.47 - Create a sketch of a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural net


Convoloo's NLP algorithms employ state-of-the-art models like transformers and bidirectional encoders to analyze text at an unprecedented depth. These models understand context, sentiment, and the intricate relationships between entities in a body of text. However, the true ingenuity of Convoloo lies in how this understanding is structured and expanded through its knowledge graph technology.

DALL·E 2024-03-14 16.59.47 - Create a sketch of a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural net
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